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Organic Larkspur Flower Seeds

Organic Larkspur Flower Seeds


Economy: 80 seeds per pack

Regular: 160 seeds per pack

Large: 240 seeds per pack


Sow: March - May

Flowers: July - October


Larkspur is a cottage garden plant that is typically used for its height and colour to add decoration to borders. It has beautiful lacy flowers that can be blue, pink or white and grows up to 100cm in height. It is well-loved by bumblebees & butterflies, so is an excellent choice for attracting pollinators into the garden.


But please note: Larkspur leaves are toxic to dogs and cats


To Sow Larkspur seeds place seeds in a weed-free sunny spot, 20cm apart and cover them with a layer of compost roughly 3mm deep.


If placing in heavy/clay soil, please add a generous amount of grit to the soil to aid with drainage.


Larkspur flowers in July – October

After flowering, if you cut the plant down to 15cm in height, the plant will flower for a second time!



Our seeds are specially selected for UK conditions and sourced from environmentally responsible, soil-associated organic growers.


All our packaging is 100% recyclable, biodegradable and compostable.


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